CFD Customer Service Survey

Please correct the fields below:


Our goal is to provide the best customer service possible.  We need your feedback to let us know how we are doing.  We value your opinion and thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.

Why did you contact the CFD (Community Facilities District) department? (Please choose all that apply)
Why did you contact the CFD (Community Facilities District) department? (Please choose all that apply)
How did you contact us? (Please choose all that apply)
How did you contact us? (Please choose all that apply)
When did you contact us for service?
My inquiry was handled promptly.
My inquiry was handled promptly.
The City Representative I worked with was professional, courteous, and knowledgeable.
The City Representative I worked with was professional, courteous, and knowledgeable.
My inquiry was resolved by the City Representative.
My inquiry was resolved by the City Representative.
Overall I was satisfied with the service provided to me.
Overall I was satisfied with the service provided to me.
How can the City of Goodyear improve your CFD customer service experience or any related process?
If a member of our team impressed you in some way, please share that information with us:
 If you would like to be contacted for follow up about your experience, please provide us with your contact information:
If you would like to be contacted for follow up about your experience, please provide us with your contact information:
  1. To receive a copy of your submission, please fill out your email address below and submit.