Emergency Alert FAQs




How much does it cost?

This service is provided by the City of Goodyear at no cost to the public; however, message and data rates may apply depending on your provider and phone services.

What type of alerts will I receive?

Emergency alerts are sent 24/7 when there is an immediate threat to life and/or property. In addition to emergency alerts, you can also choose to receive customizable community notifications. These include notifications about:

  • Severe Weather
  • Safety risks
  • Health risks
  • Transportation disruption
  • Special event information
  • Test messages.

Will my information be disclosed or shared?

No, your information is private and will not be used or distributed in any manner. The information that you provide is exempt from public disclosure and will be used for emergency purposes only.

How do I unsubscribe, update or delete my account?

Follow the below steps to change your GYAlerts preferences (for example, to reduce the number of messages of a certain type, or to change the contacts used for each kind of message):

Go to the GYAlerts Login Page

  1. Login using your GYAlerts username and password (If you’ve forgotten these, follow the instructions on the page under “Forgot Username or Password?”)
  2. Once signed in, click the ‘Preferences’ tab at the top
  3. Under ‘Notification Preferences’, you can make changes to both the phone numbers and email addresses on which you want to receive GYAlerts messages by clicking or unclicking the checkboxes
  4. You can also choose what alerts you want to receive and the method you wish to receive them by (text, voice, email)
    1. For example, if you wish to turn off all messages regarding Transportation Disruptions, simply uncheck the box to the left of “Transportation Disruption”
    2. If you wish instead only to receive emails for Transportation Disruption notifications, instead uncheck the “Text” and / or “Voice” choices, so that only “Email” remains checked
  5. If you wish to delete your account, click on the REMOVE ACCOUNT button on the Account Settings tab.

Who can I contact if I have questions or need assistance?

You can email emergencymanagement@goodyearaz.gov